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000071_bdady@netcom.com_Tue Jan 9 10:02:26 EST 1996.msg
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Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 07:01:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Brian Dady <bdady@netcom.com>
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To: lightwave@garcia.com
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Subject: Re: Audio with PAR
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On Tue, 9 Jan 1996, Jamie Krutz wrote:
> With the AD516 you've got 16 bit stereo audio, up to 8 simultanious tracks
> out of 100 timeline tracks, automated mixing, nondestructive timeline editing,
> automatic crossfading, etc. It locks frame accurately with the PAR using
> the internal SMPTE time code of Studio 16, and also locks flawlessly to
> a video deck or anything else with LTC time code which is handy for
> creating sound tracks for videos or re-editing soundtrack changes to a
> master tape.
What about VITC time code? I have a PAR, AD516, and a Panasonic AG456
camcorder. The camcorder has VITC but no SMPTE. I have heard of VITC to
SMPTE converters, but haven't found one yet. If they're expensive, I
would prefer to use my hardware-hacking skills to build one. Does
anybody have any solutions to this (either price/source or schematic)?
> Bars & Pipes Pro will also sync simultaneously to give you MIDI, digital
> audio and video all running together in lock step.
Since Blue Ribbon Bakery was bought up by Microsoft, I can't seem to
find B & P Pro any more. I would really like to buy a copy of this, new
or used (with manual). Does anyone know where I can get it?
> Someday I'd like to see some sort of capability within LW for syncing
> sounds to animations.
> Regards,
> -Jamie
Yes, support from LW would be great! However, considering how long I've
been waiting for the Toaster 4.0 upgrade (mostly for LW), I'm not holding my
Brian Dady --* Video Magic / modeller ///
Santa Clara, California / animator ///
Email: bdady@netcom.com / S/W dev \\\///